Conservative dentistry includes all preventive and therapeutic measures to restore teeth and maintain their natural form and function, without having to replace them.
In order to keep your mouth healthy, brushing your teeth every morning is usually not enough. Therefore we offer professional tooth cleaning in order to prevent tooth decay and periodontal disease.
Digital radiography is an indispensable part of modern diagnostics and nowadays operates as one of the main elements of modern and minimally invasive dentistry.
The combination of a beautiful smile and healthy teeth is something unique. There are many ways you can make positive changes to your smile.
Endodontics deals with the treatment of diseases of the dental nerve, most commonly referred to as the “root canal”.
Over 80% of all adults suffer from gingivitis, while 50% will get periodontitis or gum disease.
With dental implants, missing teeth can be replaced perfectly, because their functionally and aesthetics closely match the real thing.
Here we also use the most gentle treatments possible. Modern technology such as piezoelectric or laser surgery are the least invasive.
Our dentures match natural teeth as closely as possible. Based on our treatment concept we can almost always avoid removable dentures, for maximum function and aesthetics.